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Animal List

Name Species/Breed Sex Picture
Abbath Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Akira Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Annalisa Cat - Domestic Long Hair / Tortoiseshell (long coat) Female
Aunt Ida Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Beau Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat) Male
Bodhi Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Brianna (Ellie) Cat - Domestic Long Hair (long coat) Female
Brighton Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat) Female
Brunswick Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Choco Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Dixie Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat) Female
Grace Hopper Cat - Domestic Long Hair / Norwegian Forest Cat (long coat) Female
Gus Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Helena Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Henry Jr Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Honee Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Joann Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Julia Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Calico / Mixed (medium coat) Female
Kolby - (Must be adopted w/Phanthom) Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Lileigh Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Luna Moon Cat - European Shorthair (short coat) Female
Magik Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Mama Jean Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Tabby (short coat) Female
Mimosa Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Torbie (short coat) Female
Misha(MUST BE ADOPTED WITH SIMON K) Cat - Tabby / Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Misty Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Mr. Biscuits Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Newton Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat) Male
Noella Cat - Calico / Mixed (short coat) Female
Peatches Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat) Male
Peter Pan - (must be adopted w/Rocky) Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Phanthom - (must be adopted w/Kolby) Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Princy boy Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Rascal Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (short coat) Female
Rocky - (must be adopted w/Peter Pan) Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Sammy Davis Jr Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Shazzar Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Simon K( MUST BE ADOPTED WITH MISHA) Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Smokey Girl Cat - Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat) Female
Stardust Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
Tanquerey Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Tonic Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Wilbur Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male
Yosha Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Male  
Yumiko Cat - Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Female
P.O. Box 362 •  Walled Lake, MI 48390  •  (248) 301-2344 •  info [ at ]